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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013


Klub Bayern Munchen memiliki kelas istimewa di dalam pentas Eropa. Kualitasnya telah dibuktikan dengan meraih gelar kompetisi Liga Champions pada musim yang lalu. Kesuksesan itu juga terasa dengan lengkap, sebab klub Raksasa Jerman itu sudah pernah mengalahkan Barcelona.
Tidak heran apabila ada banyak klub-klub mencoba untuk mengikuti gaya dari Raksasa Bavaria tersebut. Klub Bayern Munchen memang pantas untuk dicontohkan, menyusulnya rekam jejak mereka yang sudah berhasil di tiga kompetisi yang berbeda (Liga Champions, DFB Pokal dengan Bundesliga).
Membuka tahun ini, Bayern Munchen yang baru saja berganti pelatih baru, yaitu Josep Pep Guardiola sudah berasil merengkuh gelar UEFA Liga Super ketika mengalahkan klub The Blues dengan drama adu penalti. Bayern Munchen pun baru aja mencatatkan sebuah kemenangan besar atas klub The Citizens dengan skor telak 3-1 di Stadium Etihad di dalam fase penyisihan group kompetisi Liga Champions, pada tengah minggu kemarin.
Tetapi rentetan kehebatan itu, tak membuat pelatih Jose Mourinho merasa perlu untuk meniru gaya bermain Munchen. Mourinho pun baru saja mempersembahkan kemenangan kepada klub Chelsea kontra Norwich, dengan skor 3-1 di dalam laga lanjutan kompetisi Premier League, hari Minggu 6 Oktober 2013 malam WIB.
"Saya berpikir apabila dari Anda bermain dengan cara seperti orang lain, sementara itu Anda sendiri tidak mempunyai pemain untuk itu jadi Anda terlihat sangat bodoh!," cetus Mourinho, seperti dikutip oleh Goal, hari Senin 7 Oktober 2013.
"Saya sudah memenangi kompetisi di La Liga dengan mencatatkan 100 angka dan tim saya tak bermain seperti klub Barcelona, apabila Anda mencoba untuk bermain seperti orang lain, maka Anda tak akan pernah mencapai level mereka," sambungnya.
"Jadi Anda mesti mencoba untuk menjadi yang paling baik dan disesuaikan dengan adanya kualitas pemain yang Anda punyai. Jangan sekali-kali mencoba untuk menjadi jenius sebab Anda pasti menjadi bodoh," tuntas mantan pelatih dari klub Real Madrid itu.

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013


AS ROMA AKAN BERKUNJUNG KE INDONESIA365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Sudah dipastikan salah satu tim sepakbola Itali, AS Roma akan mengikuti jejak Arsenal dan Chelsea untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia. Hal itu sudah dikonfirmasikan oleh kubu AS Roma, tepatnya pada pertengahan bulan November 2013 akan datang. Tim yang mendapat julukan I Giallorossi tersebut akan bertanding melawan timnas Indonesia XI di stadium Utama GBK, Senayan, Jakarta pada tanggal 14-11-2013.
"Kami telah berkomitmen guna memaksimalkan cakupan global untuk AS ROma. Laga ini akan menjadi langkah yang penting dalam komitmen kami guna membangun eksistensi di Asia umumnya, dan khususnya di Indonesia." kata Italo Zanzi ( CEO AS Roma ) pada situs resminya
"Kami memiliki fans yang berkembang dan cukup besar di indonesia dan kami berharap mampu memberikan semua fans sebuah kesempatan buat bisa menyaksikan laga aksi kami di Jakarta." lanjut CEO As Roma tersebut.
Diperkirakan loket penjualan tiket akan dibuka pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2013 ini. Namun dari pihak Roma belum mengumumkan susunan pemain yang akan diboyong ke Indonesia. Tetapi kalau dilihat dari jadwal tim nasional Itali, mereka akan bertanding melawan Jerman pada tanggal 15 November akan datang, jadi besar kemungkinan tim ROma yang akan dibawa ke Indonesia akan tanpa pemain nasionalnya.
Adapun pemain-pemain AS Roma yang juga bermain untuk tim nasional Itali adalah Alessandro Florenzi, Daniele De Rossi. Sementara juga ada beberapa pemain yang merupakan pemain inti di tim nasionalnya masing-masing, diantaranya : Gervinho (Pantai Gading), Miralem Pjanic (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Adem Ljajic (Seria), dan Kevin Strootman

Minggu, 29 September 2013


RONALDO KALAH DARI ATLETICO ITU BUKAN SALAH ANCELOTTI365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Klub Real Madrid yang pada akhirnya harus menerima kekalahan dari klub Atletico Madrid dengan skor tipis 0-1 di dalam derby ibu kota Spanyol tersebut. Bintang dari klub Rela Madrid, yaitu Cristiano Ronaldo yang mengakui bahwa kekalahan ini kemudian juga menganggap bahwa itu bukanlah hari yang bagus untuk klub Real Madrdi.
Los Blancos yang kecolongan melalui goal tunggal yang diciptkan oleh Diego Costa di menit yang ke 11. Untuk pemain yang berjulukan CR7 itu tersebut, kekalaha ini pun terjadi sebab kesalahan dari pemain, dan tidak patut untuk menyalahkan pelatih Carlo Ancelotti, selaku sebagai seorang pelatih klub Real Madrid.
"Ini bukanlah hari bagi kami. Dari kekalahan ini tak ada hubungannya atas pelatih Carlo Ancelotti. Ia sudah melaksanakan tugasnya dengan sangat baik dan hebat. Kesalahannya ada pada para pemain, kami mesti terus lagi memperbaiki performa kami smuanya," ujar Cristiano Ronaldo, yang seperti di lansir oleh Marca, hari Minggu 29 September 2013.
"Secara pribadi aku merasa sangat senang kepada apa yang sudah diperintahkan oleh pelatih Ancelotti, dia termasuk salah seorang pelatih yang paling baik yang sudah bekerja sama dengan aku," cetus pemain yang baru saja memperpanjankan kontraknya bersama dengan klub Real Madrid ini tersebut.
Kekalahan atas klub Atletico Madrid itu pun memutuskan rekor yang selama ini telah dijaga oleh Real Madrid, yaitu tidak pernah kalah dari klub Atletico Madrid sejak 14 musim yang lalu di dalam kompetisi La Liga. Hasil yang buruk ini pun membuat pihak Los Galacticos tertinggal sebanyak lima poin dari klub Barcelona dan juga Atletico Madrid yang telah bertengger di tempat pertama dan juga kedua pada klasemen sementara di kompetsi La Liga.

Berita Lainnya : 365LIGACOM.BLOG.COM

Kamis, 26 September 2013


JONATHAN BARNETT MENILAI GARETH BALE LEBIH HEBAT DARI NEYMAR365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Sang agen Gareth Bale tersebut Jonathan Barnett sendiri mengatakan kliennya itu merupakan seorang pemain yang lebih hebat dibandingkan dengan striker klub Barcelona, Neymar da Silva, peryataan itu merujuk pada prestasi mantan pemain klub Tottenham Hotspur tersebut Bale sebelum menobatkan dirinya sebagai Winger yang termahal didunia ketika diboyong oleh klub Los Blancos pada jendela transfer di musim panas ini.
Pada saat itu klub Real Madrid rela mengeluarkan dana sebesar 86 juta pounds (sekitar Rp 1,4 triliun) ketika membeli pemain tim internasional Wales itu dari klub Tottenham Hotspur, untuk bermain di Santiago Bernabeu, Bale sendiri akan bertanding kehebatan dengan sejumlah mega bintang di Liga elite itu, termasuk pemain asal Brasil tersebut Neymar yang dibeli klub Barcelona dari Santos.
Neymar sendiri sudah menciptakan goal pertama untuk klub Barcelona pada hari selasa 24-9-2013 malam tetapi sementara itu Gareth Bale sendiri sudah lebih awal menciptakan goal bagi klub Los Blancos, ketika pasukan mereka bertampil imbang dengantelak skor 2-2 menghadapi klub Sevilla akhir pekan yang lalu, mengenai perbandingan kedua pemain tersebut, kalau Barnett sendiri menilaikan Gareth Bale lebih hebat dari pemain Barca tersebut Neymar.
Pemain andalan tersebut Gareth Bale sendiri sudah bertampil di Liga Premier dan sudah memenangkan sejumlah gelar piala, bagiku, dia sendiri lebih hebat dibandingkan dengan Neymar da Silva,"kata Barnett seperti diberitakan kepada
Barnett sendiri juga mengaku bahwa bersepakat memboyong Bale ke Real Madrid merupakan salah satu keputusan yang sangat sulit dan banyak masalah, karena, disamping klub Tottenham Hotspur memberikan penawaran baru yang cukup tinggi, dan juga ada tim yang lain yang memberikan harga yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan klub Los Blancos.
Menurut goal, ada klub yang lain juga ingin mendapatkan kontrak dengan pemain yang kini sudah berusia 24 tahun tersebut adalah klub Setan Merah sudah dikatakan bahwa Manchester United sudah mengajukan tawaran baru sebesar 125 juta pound (sekitar Rp 2,247 triliun).


Senin, 23 September 2013


BERMAIN DENGAN VAN PERSIE ROONEY MENCETAK BANYAK GOL365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Penyerang Setan Merah Robin van Persie sendiri mengungkapakan bahwa duet bersama Wayne Rooney di lini depan Manchester United semakin kuat, Van Persie merasa permainan positif saya dan Rooney akan mendapatkan hasil banyak gol untuk MU.
Van Persie sendiri telah bermulai tahun ini dengan penampilan mengesankan, dan pemain tim internasional Belanda ini mengakui sangat senang dengan kian kompak dan kerja sama dengan Rooney di lini depan Manchester United.
Saya sendiri sangat senang bertampil dengan Wayne (Rooney) karena, bagi saya sendiri dia mempunyai semua gaya permainan, selama ini kami bersama potensi yang benar-benar baik, asalkan kami bekerja sama dan mencoba untuk memperbaiki yang kami laksanakan, saya berpikir kami bisa semakin kuat,"ujar Van Persi seperti diberitakan kepada
Saya sendiri berpikir semua orang bisa melihat kami akan bermain bersama, bahwa kami ingin mencoba untuk saling memberikan bola, sebagai contoh, ketika saya mendapatkan bola dibabak kedua menghadapi klub Leverkusen, ketika saat itu saya sudah berpikir bolanya akan diberikan kepada saya, dia Rooney memang ingin oper bola kesaya,"kata mantan pemain The Gunners itu.
"Semua masyarakat bisa melihat bahwa itu adalah hal-hal yang baik, berjalan dengan baik, saya sudah benar-benar berpikir jika kami bisa terus berkembang, salah satunya adalah saling memahami, kami berdua bisa berakhir dengan banyak goal pada musim ini,"tutupnya.
Setelah spekulasi seputar dimasa depannya Rooney di Manchester United bisa berkembang masa depannya akan cerah, pemain tim internasional Inggris itu mulai bertaji lagi untuk menyumbangkan banyak gol, pemain andalan tersebut Wayne Rooney berhasil menciptakan gol sebanyak 200 untuk klub The Red Devils dalam kemenangan telak skor 4-1 atas Leverkusen di kompetisi Liga Champions Rabu lalu.
Berita Lainnya di : 365LIGACOM.BLOG.COM

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Desember, PlayStation 4 at 5 Asian Countries

Desember, PlayStation 4 at 5 Asian Countries365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Sony's latest game console, PlayStation (PS) 4 will go on sale on 15 November 2013 in the United States and November 29 in Europe.
Following that, the five countries in Asia has been able to sell the PS4 console in December 2013. Unfortunately no Indonesian name there. The lucky countries were Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.
Sony has big ambitions for the PS4. Japanese company wants to sell 5 million units of the device, at least before the end of March 2014.
This amount can be quite large for the size of the gaming console. Just look at the previous generation product, PS3. He recently reached 5 million, one year after its launch.
PS 4 has only five months to achieve the expectations of the management of Sony.
Japan, home to Sony, even going gets quite late. Sakura states console new arrival at February 22, 2014. PS4, as quoted from The Next Web, Friday (09/20/2013), will be delayed in Japan due to software support issues.
PS4 itself will be sold at a price of 400 U.S. dollars (about USD 4.4 million) in the United States, 400 euros in Europe, and 349 pounds in the UK.
Sony finally announced the launch date PlayStation4 console.
The latest generation of game machines from Sony will be available in North America on November 15, while fans in Europe can only get PlayStation4 on November 29.
Their competitors, Microsoft's new Xbox console manufactures One said that the console will be released in November.
Some experts said Sony's latest product will likely be re-raised again Sony name but the most important thing for them is the availability of game software.
This will determine superiority over its competitors Sony Microsoft.
"Sony has made remarkable progress as they prepare for the launch of the PS4, but the console is still not issued an exclusive game," said Rob Crossley, Editor on a site to review the game.
"In his press conference, Sony once again shows that the company has a good relationship with the community of indie developers .... But Sony executives are no doubt still feel uncomfortable seeing an exclusive list of the main game Xbox One continues to grow."
Sony says there are now more than one million people were ordered to get their consoles.
They say PS4 already can be found in 32 countries at the upcoming Christmas holiday season.
Sony previously said the former game CDs can also be played on PlayStation4.
Video game division of Sony print revenues of 7.5 billion U.S. dollars in the financial year 2012, or less than 10% of their total income.
Sony PS Vita realized sales made ​​in the form of a handheld does not reach the target, so this adds to the pressure on him not to repeat the failure PS4 PS Vita.

Rabu, 18 September 2013

12 Most Popular Accessories Options

12 Most Popular Accessories Options365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Style without accessories certainly feel something is missing . Here are 12 accessory options starting much ogled and demand .

1 . Light color fashionable handbag .
Planning to buy a bag at this week ? Why not try a handbag with stylish frames and bright colors . This bag will be very easily combined with a neutral color clothing .

2 . Chain strapped bag .
Appear more mini , strappy handbag chain today is not less interesting . Bag color choices were varied , from red , black or pink with gold chain .

3 . Round glasses .
Ever notice the aviator glasses are round and at the edges of motive . Well , these glasses give the impression of interesting and appear more challenging .

4 . Shoes dragonfly motif .
Imagine dragonfly color , bluish green and slightly metallic . Patterned shoes is not only feminine but also strong memberivkesan . Will be more attractive when combined with clothing made from gray wool .

5 . Jewelry with words .
Lanvin has recently released a collection of jewelry accessories are inscribed with the words , like Love . Can also necklace with name inscription . Now back to being a trend .

6 . Akseori with matching color with fashion .
Shown color from top to bottom why not ? So , can choose a customized bag or shoe color with the clothing worn .

7 . Plume material .
Now , there is a special frame sunglasses with fur , or soft bag with feathers materials , and unique shoes with feathers at the toe or angkel .

8 . Tartan pattern .
Bags or shoes with a tartan pattern , red plaid no less interesting today . Motive of Scotland is like an i vasi inevitable .

9 . Soled pointy boots .
Some fashion labels have mengiring this fashionable boot , such as Prada and Miu Miu . It looks interesting because it also sustains the foot to appear more level .

10 . Animal accents .
Leopard motif bag or shoes also again being the center of attention at this time . Pair with dress lines , neon colors , or floral motifs .

11 . Large pocket bag .
Not the bag for the gym , but still large pockets bag fashionable with trendy tote rope section . Although the mini pull , bag this one is equally prominent .

12 . Hat decorated with crystals .
Hat kind of baseball hat with crystal motif on the front being the target of the fans of hats . J.Crew in production , this one was a striking hat and get people to glance twice .

Senin, 16 September 2013

Philippine Military Use Air Force to Attack Position of the MNLF

Philippine Military Use Air Force to Attack Position of the MNLF365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Philippine army troops pounded positions of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) through the air in Zamboanga City. Efforts to become one of the Philippine government solution until the second week ground war that seemed endless.

According to AP on Monday (09/16/2013), the Philippine military MG520 using two helicopters in the air action. The second aircraft of the war, in limited action, targeting the southern region of the city. The military believes that the region is MNLF stronghold.
However, until this news uploaded, there is no impact of information attacks. It's about whether or not the victim fell or current position MNLF forces. "We provide support for ground troops to suppress the enemy," said Philippine military spokesman Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala.
Records show in armed conflicts since two weeks ago has killed six policemen Philippines. Then, Lukan victims reached 81 people. The details are 69 soldiers and 12 policemen. "The death toll there MNLF party of 63 people," said Ramon Zagala.
Group of MNLF forces launched an offensive on 9 September 2013 at City Zamboangan. They try to fly the flag of the MNLF in the City Hall courtyard. Strong suspicion that these forces are supporting Nur Misuari, MNLF one of the founders, who do not agree with the recent peace agreement with the Philippine government.

Minggu, 15 September 2013

7 Ways to Increase Brain Capability

7 Ways to Increase Brain Capability365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - As people age , brain function , especially the ability to remember is declining . This is because the hippocampus , the brain area responsible for memory continues to lose nerve cells by 5 per cent every ten years .
Moreover, the compound in the brain called acetylcholine production continues to decline . Acetylcholine is an important compound in the process of memory formation .
The good news , over the past few decades , the experts found the adult brain can also memperbaharuhi quality. Therefore , concluded every person is able to restore and even enhance the brain's ability with certain businesses . Here are seven ways in between.
1 . Playing brain games
Games such as sudoku puzzles and crosswords may improve the ability to remember and inhibit cognitive decline . Nevertheless , experts still can not explain why . According to Dr. Marcel Danesi , author of Extreme Brain Workout , play brain games activate excitatory delivery on all areas of the brain , including memory .
2 . Eating the right foods
According to Dr. Gary Small , director of the Memory Clinic at the University of California Los Angles , foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables can prevent brain damage caused by free radicals . He also stressed on berglikemik low carbohydrate such as oatmeal and whole grains , and anything containing omega - 3 fatty acids . In fact , the neuroscientists found that people who consume less omega - 3 fatty acids have an average brain qualities are more "old " in brain scans than they were enough .
3 . Stop multitasking
Basically the human brain is not capable of multitasking in a lot of things he does . In contrast , the brain is only capable of doing an activity and move on to other activities after completion . By doing multitasking , the brain would be overwhelmed and easy to forget what was done before .
Dr. Mark McDaniel , associate professor of psychology at Washington University said , one reason why people often forget to put the key because it is not put attention to where she put it . Therefore, he suggested that always sound when put things in order not to forget it . " For example, when putting the key , saying , ' I put the key in the cupboard ' to yourself , " he said .
4 . Learn new things
A Swedish study found that adults who learn a new language tend to be easier to memorize names . This was also true for new skills such as sewing or skiing , the researchers said .
5 . Enough sleep
Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that sleeping only three to four hours a day can weaken the memory . And study in the journal Nature reported , to prevent a decline in the ability of the brain takes a long quality sleep . They also recommend to sleep eight hours or more each day .
6 . Finesse things to remember
Stands for the names of places or order to facilitate recall . Even to remember any numbers , to make it easier , you can use the separator . For example , for a given number 214522301876 , you can separate 2152-2230-1876 .
7 . Sport
A study from the University of California says exercise can provide tremendous benefits to brain health . Researchers believe exercise can improve the brain compound called norepinfrin which has an important role in memory formation .

Kamis, 12 September 2013

The Reason Apple is not Going Release Cheap iPhone

The Reason Apple is not Going Release Cheap iPhone365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - Public expectations of the iPhone will be available at affordable rates vanished . iPhone 5C predicted ( by the media ) as a cheap iPhone turned out to have a price that is not exactly cheap is affordable .
Before its emergence , iPhone 5C price is approximately 400 U.S. dollars to 500 U.S. dollars . In fact , including the iPhone 5C still relatively " expensive " price range reached 549 U.S. dollars, or USD 6.2 million for the 16 GB version without a contract .
Not only gadgets that disappointed users , investors were disappointed . Investors assess the price of the iPhone 5C too expensive . Apple's stock was listed had declined 5 percent a day after the launch of the iPhone 5S and 5C .
The question is , why Apple has not or does not want to issue a mobile phone with cheap price ? Though competitors , Android , dominate the global smartphone market share by relying on cell phones to low- medium price .
Apple was never indicated that the lower-middle market is one of focus . The company assumes no need to pursue market share .
Apple is still strong
Why so ? Jay Yarow of Business Insider believes that iPhone products is still strong in terms of business and continues to grow by 20 percent in the last quarter , despite facing competition from rivals , such as Samsung Galaxy S4 .
iPhone can sustain growth , further Yarow , because the iOS platform is still considered the most attractive in the eyes of users in general . This operating system is simple , easy to understand , and has a strength in terms of quality and quantity of applications .
Apple will also begin bundling iWork productivity applications along with the iPhone , as an offensive move against Microsoft Office and Google Docs .
In addition , the company offers a complete package of products , both in terms of hardware , software , and services are believed to give more value to the iPhone , unlike Android phone manufacturers who do not have much choice in the differentiation beyond the selling price .
factor applications
In developed countries the market segment that became important for application developers , the number of active iOS users - seen from the data traffic Quantcast internet - still more than the Android , although its market share is inversely proportional numbers . Users in this market is more active than users download applications in developing countries .
Because of that , Apple is not worried about losing market share in areas that are not too active to download the iOS app . After all , the developer still think iOS as the main platform to find income .
Therefore , cheap iPhone was deemed incompatible with the aim of Apple , which is not interested in widening the market share . In this case , contrary to the belief Apple investors . Which is correct ? Only time will tell .